The Dominican Republic is one of the main investment destinations in Latin America. This is due to its strategic positioning in the Caribbean basin, being the second largest island in the region and the largest economy in Central America. The country has a domestic market of more than 10 million people and, at the same time, a wide network of free trade agreements, including one with the United States and Central America (DR-CAFTA), with the Caribbean Community (DR-CARICOM) and with the European Union (CARIFORUM-EU EPA). All this, together with the free convertibility of the Dominican peso (DOP) and the political stability of the country, makes the Dominican Republic the ideal place to invest and venture into the surrounding markets.
Likewise, the Dominican Republic is one of the most popular destinations in the region to reside. The country is among the safest in Latin America and offers numerous facilities for rentiers and pensioners wishing to emigrate. There are no restrictions on the acquisition of real estate for foreigners and the Dominican real estate registry, based on the Torrens system, provides the purchaser with an individualized title, with firmly established boundaries and a perpetual guarantee of ownership. All this, coupled with a stable financial system and one of the best telecommunications networks in the region, makes the Dominican Republic the ideal place to live.
Stern Comas offers you the necessary legal assistance in your language to make the most of these possibilities.